GENERAL Description
RP-2000 is a semi-automatic solution for Mattress Rollpacking operation. It allows you to press and roll-pack bonnel spring, pocket spring and foam mattresses effectively. In this way, more products will be shipped in container-based transportation, decrease freight charges, and making mattress transportation easier on internet shopping.
RP-2000 uses one side open (bag-type) nylon.
Operators should insert mattress manuelly in to the bag-type naylon then transfer to the RP-2000.
– Lenze Motion System is used for controlling
(Made in Germany)
-Heating wire with cooling system for perfect sealing operation
-Ability to adjust heating-cooling time for different film thickness
– Simplinx hardware for online remote support after sale.
– User Friend HMI
– 65 Tons hydraulic pressure mechanism
– Robust Mechanic Structure
– Ability to pack Bonnel Spring,pocket spring and foam mattresses
-Able to work with stretch / PE film / sealing the bag tail with no additional packaging film
– Can wrap units 20 – 42,5 cm in diameter
– Automatic side film cutting system
– Capacity: 32 seconds/per mattress